
Monday, 25 November 2013

Autosys Tutorial

In this Autosys tutorial I have explained about the Autosys architecture for version 4.5. Autosys job scheduler is an automated job control system for scheduling, reporting and monitoring. These jobs can reside on any configured machine (Windows, UNIX or Linux) that is attached to the network.
A job is any single command, executable, script file or Windows batch file.

Any status changes posted(updated) to the database are called Events.

Each job definition contains different job attributes and conditions, including when, where and at what time a job should run.

We can manage, monitor and pull report in Autosys using GUI (Graphical User Interface) and JIL (Job information language).JIL is a programming language defined for Autosys which has its own syntax.

Architecture of Autosys 4.5.1

Autosys job scheduler contains 3 major components. They are

1.Event server (Autosys database)
2.Event Processor
3.Remote agent

autosys architecture

Autosys Scheduler has [Server-->Client] architecture and requires bundles SYBASE database or third party database software’s like Oracle or MYSQL database.

Event Server

Event server is the data repository for all events, job definition, reports and system information.
Event server is the database which stores all information including events and job definition.

Event Processor

Event processor is the heart of Autosys simply called as event _daemon simply a Unix process or windows service that is running in the server.

Event processor continuously scans the event server for any jobs or events to be processed. When event processor finds any events to be processed, it checks the starting conditions for the event. Depends on the attributes of the events or jobs, informs the appropriate remote agent to perform actions.  The actions may be starting /stopping of jobs, checking of resources, monitoring of jobs etc.

We can setup a secondary event processor called shadow event processor. If the primary fails ,the shadow event processor starts processing the events without delay.

Remote agent 

In a Unix machine remote agent is a temporary process started by the event processor to process the events in Autosys client machines.

In a windows machine remote agent is a temporary service started by the event processor to process the events in Autosys client machines.

Event processor starts the remote agent in a specified client as mentioned in the job/event attributes. 
Once the job is received the by the remote agent, it process the task and sends the running, completion status to the event server and exit. If the remote agent unable to send the events to the event server, it repeat  the communication with event server until success.